Your Money. And What I Want You to Do With It.

We all remember Botastic, right? And by Botastic I mean not the exemplary human being of that name, but rather, the post on this here blog that was named in his honor. Quick summary – I participated in the Cooper River Bridge Run, drank too much water like an idiot, ducked into a gas station, found myself next in line to a lovely young lady, with whom I had the following conversation. ME: You’re wearing Clemson orange! LOVELY YOUNG LADY: I work there! ME: Oh really, where at? LYL: Admissions! ME: You must know Gooch! LYL: I love Gooch!

And that’s how I became friends with Alrinthea. Although I didn’t see her again for months. I went to poker lady party at Gooch’s house, and she was there. She stared at me, funny-like. I said, “Convenience store bathroom line!” And she said, “That’s right!” And our friendship was confirmed.

Two things I know about Alrinthea:

  • She’s an exceptionally good person who donates her time and energy to worthy causes.
  • She needs help reaching her goal in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure walk!
Scrooge McDuck

Illustration of Alrinthea, one week from today.

Which means:

  • I want you to give her money


  • Please


  • Thank you

I will also be donating. Just two days ago I heard the news that a wonderful woman I know was diagnosed with breast cancer. Maybe I am wrong, but I can’t help but feel that with all the support being summoned for the Susan G. Komen movement, some kind of breakthrough must be in the offing. Please be a part of that movement, and get Alrinthea to her goal! It would be fanfreakingtastic if we could make that happen!


One thought on “Your Money. And What I Want You to Do With It.

  1. Carrie's Groupie says:

    You are so amazing, Carrie. How you are able to evoke so much emotion & motivation for me to actually take action is amazing. I will help your new friend, LYL.

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